SAD For The Holidays: Seasonal Affective Disorder

We all know that feeling: The weather begins to get colder, it gets darker earlier, and the horrible outside makes us feel horrible inside. As the days grow shorter, our feelings of sadness grow larger. Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, may be the cause of us feeling so, well, sad. This disorder relates to the […]

Stress Management: What You Need To Know

Stress is the feeling of being uneasy or overwhelmed with life events; Stress is a normal feeling, and a little stress isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It can happen from any event or thought, and can make you feel frustrated, angry, nervous, or upset. So when is there too much stress? How can you manage […]

Journaling and Mental Health with Prompts

If you have ever kept a journal, then you can appreciate what having hundreds of blank pages in front of you feels like. To be able to write freely is, well, freeing. It is okay if you have fallen out of the habit or perhaps never tried it, but a journaling practice can do wonders […]

Feeling Overwhelmed? The Burnout Blues

Most likely, you’ve experienced burnout at least once in your life (I know I have!). When the stress of work gets to be too much, you may begin to feel the effects. Now add on the stress of maintaining a family life, a social life, and a personal life. Chances are, it feels nearly impossible […]

How to be more mindful

It is highly likely that we have heard the term “mindfulness” thrown around in conversation, on social media or on television. But what exactly is mindfulness? And how exactly can we be mindful in our day-to-day life? Mindfulness is comprised of two things, awareness and acceptance. It is the ability to be present in your […]

Advice for Long Distance Relationships

Long Distance Relationships (LDRs) can be difficult to navigate, but they can also be just as rewarding as traditional relationships. According to a study in 2015, a group of 1000 long distance couples participated in a study to determine what made a long distance relationship successful. A few trends became evident throughout the study, here […]

Simple tips to help with relocating

There is no way around it, moving can be an incredibly a stressful and frustrating ordeal. But moving can be so many other things too. If you are relocating due to a job, think about all of the new opportunities that will be available for you, all the doors this new job could open for […]


At some point in time, we may have heard that stress is bad for our bodies, but how does it actually affect us? Research shows that persistent stress can cause our immune system to decrease, our Cortisol levels to increase, our muscle mass to decline and even alter our brain chemistry. When our brain is […]


Anxiety can range from something as simple as feeling restless or difficulty falling asleep, to something as debilitating as a full-blown panic attack when attempting to leave the house. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 31.1% of adults in the United States will deal an anxiety disorder at some point in their lives. […]